The third annual City of Forest Day took place on Saturday, October 26th, 2024! Presented by Forest for All NYC in partnership with the Parks and Open Space Partners – NYC Coalition and NYC Parks, City of Forest Day is an annual day of activities across the city to raise awareness of the importance of the New York City urban forest, and the essential role New Yorkers play every day in caring for the “lungs” of our city.

Stay tuned for an announcement on the date for City of Forest Day 2025!

Latest Past Events

Indigenous Storytelling Nature Walk under the Stars

Inwood Hill Park Isham St &, Seaman Ave, New York

Shorakapok Earth Keepers seek to advocate for the Earth Mother and tell the stories of the ancient ones and modern native activists at Inwood Hill Park for this event. Entrance to Inwood Hill Park at Isham St and Seaman Ave.

A Moon Tree in the Bronx

Virtual Virtual, Bronx

A Moon Tree in the Bronx will be a presentation on Zoom of the American Sycamore tree grown from a seed that went on NASA's Artemis

Here are some ways that you can help care for the urban forest year-round:

When visiting the urban forest, please remember to:

  • Keep our urban green spaces clean – including our street tree beds, public parks, community gardens and woodlands.
  • Avoid climbing or hanging hammocks or other objects on trees.
  • Stay on marked paths in parks and natural forested (woodland) areas.
  • Keep dogs always leashed in woodland areas to protect sensitive wildlife areas.
  • Enjoy flowers with your eyes, but do not pick blooms.
With gratitude to The Nature Conservancy, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, Trees New York, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and Prospect Park Alliance for their thoughtful leadership and support in planning City of Forest Day.
Forest for All NYC is convened and facilitated by The Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy also expresses appreciation to every organization that is hosting an event for City of Forest Day, and to our generous funders who make City of Forest Day and the on-going work of Forest for All NYC possible: The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, Anahata Foundation, and Con Edison.